Monday, August 3, 2009

Assigment 1- Journey Journal

After touring Humboldt University, I was in a state of awe from the interesting facts that I learned and the many different statues, sculptures, and photographs that I saw. I first entered the main building of Humboldt university through large doors that pushed forward like a palace gate opening for a royal family. I saw a room that was nearly empty save for the small coffee stand on the side.

Not long after, more people rushed in for the tour and I followed the group being directed towards the left and up a set of stone stairs. After I took my first step, my eyes caught the gold letters making up words that were foreign to me. The room was dim and yet the letters shine in a striking way that made sure a person would not miss it. Normally I would take a picture of this interesting writing on the wall and then move on, but something else held my attention. It was this small almost invisible writing on the bottom right side. The large gold lettering created a shadow that overpowered the tiny “Karl Marx”. Indeed, this was an essential part of the entire piece of writing on the wall. This was Karl Marx’s quote and an important one at that. It was interesting to me that his name was not emphasized as much as his quote.

At this time, I did not have a journal to record all of my memories, so I went out to look for one in Alexanderplaz. I went with my classmates to a discounted bookstore and saw several notebooks marked with white numbers on yellow tags indicating the price. There was a limited amount of notebooks offered and the one that I bought is the simplest and most convenient one. Right away, I wrote down all that I saw that day and also my postcard experience.

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